Saturday, December 17, 2011

Remediation #1

The Seven Stages of Me

All the world's a big fat book,

With characters who follow their own paths;

They have their own opinions and beliefs with times for tears and laughs,

Seven stages is what they go through;

At first and infant, so cuddly and cute,

With their little pug nose and little toes, too!

The second stage comes along with terrible twos,

The wild, screaming toddler who is a monster;

Then comes the school life as our third stage;

With drama and boys, your mind in a haze;

College is next, responsibility knocks on your door,

You have to care for yourself and figure out what life is for;

At last there is love like a sweet-smelling rose,

So complex and confusing, but still it grows;

Then kids come along as our sixth stage,

You care for them dearly, and wish them the best, filled with happiness.

And finally there is death,

You start to age and get wiser but you have shortness of breath;

Life is short, I'm halfway through my story,

I have a lot to discover, has your life been perfect,

From cover to cover?

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